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Solution Waizly
Technology Platform connecting Brand to all opportunities

What is WAIZLY ?

Technology Solution for Brand

Digitalize your Operation

Connecting your Inventory to Multiple Channel

Manage your Delivery Needs through single Channel


  • 1

    A lot of small Seller / Brand have no system and
    managing inventory manually.

  • 2

    Marketplace have a hard time finding brands or products
    listing on their platform which ready with digital inventory.

  • 3

    Small Seller / Brand have difficulties to grow business due
    to limitation of technology and digital channel network.

  • 4

    Big marketplaces have limited resources to procure products
    by their own.

We Provide Business Solution

Ease the Inventory Management

WAIZ connecting digitally between Seller / Brand to various digital channels and marketplace.


Ease the Fulfillment Process

Managing inventory management operation and order fulfillment.


Send Goods Anywhere So Easy

Connecting Seller / Brand to express courier and cargo.